Richie firmly believes that economic growth via the free enterprise system is the basis of true freedom for all Americans. He believes that excessive government regulations, unnecessary fees, wasteful government spending, burdensome over-taxation and frivolous lawsuits are endangerments to personal liberty and improved quality of life for all South Carolinians. As a fiscal conservative, Richie will support lower taxes, favorable capital gains policies, tort reform, targeted waste/fraud reduction legislation and meaningful government spending reform at all levels.
The newly formed Chesterfield County Economic Development Alliance is exactly the kind of united effort our area needs to get the economy back on track. It includes major strategies and tactics designed to attract business and capital investment including workforce development education/training, new business recruitment and infrastructure improvements. Richie’s involvement will include, but not be limited to, advocating for state funded projects, expediting communication with private sector industry leaders and working with all local officials on marketing and educational opportunities.
Tourism is one of the top industries in South Carolina and is growing in economic importance in District 53. Studies commissioned by several towns in the district have all drawn the conclusion that this area is perfectly positioned to take advantage of our unique terrain, large rural land areas, rich historic legacy and close proximity to large urban populations like Charlotte, Columbia, Greensboro, and Raleigh to enhance our own tourism segment growth. Some significant strides have already been made with new entities representing world class equestrian, motocross and automotive facilities/events now calling District 53 home. Richie will work diligently to educate everyone about these seemingly hidden treasures and leverage their success into even more economic opportunities.

Studies commissioned by several towns in the district have all drawn the conclusion that this area is perfectly positioned to take advantage of our unique terrain, large rural land areas, rich historic legacy and close proximity to large urban populations like Charlotte, Columbia, Greensboro, and Raleigh to enhance our own tourism segment growth. Some significant strides have already been made with new entities representing world class equestrian, motocross and automotive facilities/events now calling District 53 home.
Richie will work diligently to educate everyone about these seemingly hidden treasures and leverage their success into even more economic opportunities.

Agriculture is one of District 53’s largest industries and District 53 farmers represent the best in innovation, entrepreneurism and stewardship. The future success of all South Carolina farmers is endangered as the government seeks to take over farm production with needless, uninformed and often ill-advised regulations. Richie believes government must respect the private property rights of farmers and empower them to make decisions about the most productive use of their principal asset—their land. As a South Carolina house member, Richie will consistently vote to protect private property rights and leave decisions about how to run farms to our very capable farmers.
Richie believes that District 53 has recently been under-served by its elected state level representatives. Chesterfield and Lancaster Counties respectively, are ranked 15th and 17th worst unemployment figures in the state. Both counties are also classified as Tier IV and distressed concerning other state unemployment rankings. Both of these designations represent last place in their categories. This is unacceptable. Richie will vigorously promote District 53 and he will lead the effort to educate the "world" about "us". We have good schools, an enviable quality of life, strong Christian values, a strong work ethic, a diverse economic base and abundant natural resources. Just like South Carolina as a whole, District 53 has a strong base in manufacturing, agriculture and tourism with each of these segments offering tremendous growth opportunities. Through coordinated cooperation, District 53 will reclaim the high ground of economic development.
Richie is proud of the fact that we have great schools and teachers throughout the district. He believes we must continue to work on making positive changes and improvements. We all know that potential employers are looking for a well-educated, motivated workforce and the genesis for this is a solid educational foundation that involved parents, well qualified teachers and enlightened administrators provide. Richie believes that regardless of income, race or place of residence, all children deserve to have the best education possible.
He also believes that parents have the primary responsibility for making decisions concerning their children’s education and that they should be able to choose not to send them to an under-performing school. Richie believes that when a comprehensive school choice plan is implemented, it will result in better opportunities for all students. Richie will also encourage the expansion of public charter schools.
There seems to be a monetary disconnect in our public education system that ranks high in per pupil cost and low in student outcomes. Richie will introduce/support legislation to move towards market-based solutions, including allowing students to receive scholarships or tax credits if they transfer to a public, private or parochial school. Richie also believes that the state portion of the average per student spending should follow the student. This per-pupil, "backpacked" funding, is undoubtedly a path to success. We also need to consolidate the mish-mash of education funding streams so that the state portion makes it to our classrooms rather than becoming tied up in bureaucratic programs. Presently, less than fifty cent of every dollar spent on education in South Carolina actually makes it to the classroom. Reducing regulations and administrative costs will also free up funds and get them where they are needed most — in the classroom. It is time to address these failures with real reforms instead of just throwing more money at the problem.
Richie believes teachers deserve the freedom to teach in a disciplined classroom. Good tort reform will allow teachers & principals to enforce discipline in our schools. Richie also believes our teachers need protection from ridiculous federal mandates and anti-Christian attacks from groups like the ACLU. Richie knows there is something terribly wrong when teachers in District 53 cannot bow their heads in their cafeteria without fear of losing their jobs and or being sued.
Richie will work to put the responsibility for educating our children back in the hands of parents by bringing important educational decision-making authority back to the local school systems.
As a proud Air Force Veteran, a member of the Air National Guard and an American Citizen, Richie believes in the right of the people to keep and bear arms. This is one of the main safeguards our founding fathers gave us against violations of liberty. Richie also believes that it is a crucial component of maintaining law and order. We must defend the Second Amendment just as vigorously as we defend the rest of the United States Constitution. South Carolina must halt the unconstitutional practice of restricting a person’s ability to purchase, transport, store or possess arms on public lands or on that individual’s private property under the guise of regulating interstate commerce.
As a member of the House, Richie will fight for the rights of all gun owners, collectors, hunters and all qualified gun dealers and will never compromise on this sacred right.

As a dedicated, faithful Christian husband and father, Richie believes that life begins at conception and that an unborn child has a fundamental right to life. He feels it is unconscionable that our government would sanction the taking of this helpless and innocent life. Richie will always vote against government funding of abortion and will fight to protect life at all stages.
Richie believes that less government leads to better government. For too long, unaccountable bureaucracies and self-serving officials have lead to inefficient and unacceptable performance for the citizens of South Carolina and District 53. South Carolina lawmakers have made positive strides in areas of transparency, fiscal responsibility and conservative concepts of government and Richie applauds these efforts. Richie will fight for continued reform and a common sense, constitutional approach to all legislation.
He believes that less government intervention, less needless legislation, less senseless taxation, less senseless fees and less useless regulations of all kinds will serve District 53 and the state of South Carolina well.
Richie believes that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. He also believes that marriage is a basic institution of humanity and an essential part of our society. The traditional family unit has always been the foundation of American life and Richie will fight to preserve it for posterity.
The freedom we enjoy practicing our faith within a strong traditional family is the very core of our democracy. Richie will fight to protect and maintain these values for our community and for future generations.